Mango frooti recipe


Cuisine- Indian
Course- Drink
Prep time- 30 minute
Serving- 4 glasses


Ripe mango(washed)- 2
Raw mango(washed)- 1
Sugar- 150 gm(adjust according the sweetness or sourness of mango)
Water- As required

How to make:
  1. Peel skin of mangoes, chop in to the pieces and discard the seeds.
  2. Put the chop pieces into the pressure cooker and 1-1/2 glasses of water.
  3. Close the lid and boil it for 4-5 whistles on high flame.
  4. After 4-5 whistles turn off the flame and let it cool down completely
  5. In a mean time,add sugar and one glass of water in a pan and put it on a high flame until sugar dissolve in to water completely.
  6. Wait until sugar syrup and mango pulp cool down completely.
  7. Blend mango pulp and sugar syrup in to the blender and blend in to smooth paste.
  8. Take out in to the big pot or jug and add water according to your taste.
  9. Cover and put it in to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  10. Serve chilled with ice cubes.


  • You can take any ripe mangoes to make frooti.
  • Taste mango pulp before adding water if it’s sour then add sugar water instead of normal water to make sweet. To make sugar water boil water and sugar in a pan and cook till the sugar gets dissolve. Sugar water is ready.
  • You can also add sugar directly in to boiled mango pulp when you open lid of the cooker and boiled sugar with mango pulp for around 2 minutes and switch off the flame and blend  it.
  • You can also add black salt, salt, chaat masala and black pepper powder to makes it tangy and spicy.


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