Healthy colourful veggie three bean salad recipe


Chickpea(Kabuli chana)-1 cup
Bengal Gram(Kala Chana)-1 cup
Kidney Bean(rajma)-1/2 cup
Red cabbage-1/2
Salad leaf or lettuce leaf
Tomato- 1
Red and yellow pepper-1 small each
Mushroom- 150 gm
Broccoli-7 florets
Salt- according to taste
Mixed herbs-according to taste
Green chili- 2 to 3
Garlic powder- 1 Tsp
Black pepper powder- 1/2 Tsp
Oregano-according to taste
Coriander leaves-handful
Apple cider vinegar- 6 ml.

How to make
  1. Soak all three beans overnight.
  2. Boil beans in a pressure cooker till seven whistles
  3. In a big mixing bowl add all ingredients and spices along with vinegar and beans.
  4. Leave this salad for 10 to 15 minutes so all ingredients mix well with vinegar.
  1. You can also add other beans like cow pea, soybean, whole green moong or any other whole pulse of your choice
  2. Also, add any vegetable of your choice  like beetroot, carrot, red radish, capsicum
  3. You can also add paneer to make it more healthy and nutritious


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